Another very powerful motive and reason of why there is no change in USA at all, and why under the current system only Tom Cruise, Madonna, Donald Trump, hot shots, politicians, and the high-salary middle class sectors like doctors, lawyers, small business owners are the only ones who live a happy life. While the majority of americans live a life of poverty and misery, being billed to death, taxed to death, sick, obese and depressed is really that most people in USA, even most poor people of USA hate each other.
So how in the world can see a change in a country where its citizens hate each other. Around where I live, in my residential neighborhood most neighbors hate each other, despise each other, do not talk to each other. If all americans hate each other and there is so much cooked boiled anger and hatred among the 320 million hateful people of USA, imagine how much more hatred american citizens would have against foreigners, against foreign cultures, against foreign people, against foreign presidents, against foreign politicians like Putin, Nicolas Maduro, and Raul Castro.
With so much hatred, americans are unable to unite in thought and spirit in order to support Ron Paul, Bernie Sanders, The Green Party or any other anti-war politician that would be able to stop bombing countries around the world, that would be able to destroy the war-based economic system, that would be able to close The Pentagon building, the CIA, NSA and the national security state. Trim the US Armed Forced budget from 800 billiuon dollars per year, to 200 dollars per year, and use the remaining 600 billion dollars in raising the amoung of money that people get on food-stamps, in building hospitals, in building factories and businesses. And in subsidizing health care services, dental services for the poor.
But that is a dream, it won't happen in USA, because most americans hate each other, and most people in USA really think that they don't need politics, they don't need the US government, they don't need police, they don't need public services departments to fix the roads. And americans are so anti-state, so anarchists, so anti-politics, that I bet that most people in this crazy evil dumb country of USA would prefer to go to Home Depot store in order to buy construction equipment in order to fix the public roads, without any government help. AMERICANS ARE TOTALLY CRAZY, TOTALLY ANTI-SCIENTIFIC, TOTALLY WEIRD, TOTALLY SOCIAL PHOBICS, TOTALLY IRRATIONAL, AND THAT'S WHY USA NEEDS A MENTAL CHANGE. SOMETGHING HAS TO GIVE !!
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